Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cover Art for Irene McKinney's Upcoming New Book -- Unthinkable: Selected Poetry by Irene McKinney

This abstract shot was chosen to adorn the cover of Poet Laureate Irene McKinney's new book, which is due out on February 15, 2009.

The book will be published by Red Hen Press:

Read more about it at my blog:

This is my world, why are you here?
You are so big, I know I should fear you.
We are separated by thin ice and a little liquid
But we are a universe apart.
Please don't touch me, I'll make you bleed
For that is my nature, my ordained response.
Please don't hate me because I am different from you,
I know that is your nature, your ordained response.
I can pinch you,
But you can crush me.
I know I am insignificant in the grand scheme
But you think you are significant in the grand scheme
For that is your nature.
That's why we die in great numbers at your hands
Because we are insignificant as individuals.
But you will die frustrated, because you know
That the cemetery is full of people who
Were so very significant.
-Dixon Marshall

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